Obstetrics and Gynecology in Birmingham

Birmingham Obstetrics and Gynecology provides a full spectrum of quality women’s healthcare services. Our board-certified OB/GYNs provide personalized care for gynecologic and obstetric conditions using minimally invasive surgery from the da Vinci Surgical System as well as preconception counseling, prenatal care, and delivery. We also provide cosmetic procedures such as ThermiVa Vaginal Rejuvenation, the O-Shot for increased sexual function & other skin care treatments.

If you have any questions regarding a service or procedure we provide, call Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology at (205) 933-8334  You can also request an appointment online today.

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Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology provides comprehensive gynecological care to women throughout Birmingham, Alabama.

Gynecology Services

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Obstetrical care services offered at Birmingham OBGYN include prenatal testing, care of high-risk pregnancies and more.

Obstetric Services

patient with provider.


Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology provides patients with a range of outpatient procedures such as uterine endometrial ablation.

Outpatient Procedures


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Minimally Invasive da Vinci Surgery

Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology provides patients with a range of surgical procedures, including da Vinci Hysterectomy and da Vinci Endometriosis Resection.

About da Vinci Surgery

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Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology provides patients with a full range of cosmetic services including O-Shot & ThermiVa.

Cosmetic Services


Mammography & Breast Imaging

Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology now offers mammography services. We offer both 2D and 3D mammography at our office in Birmingham, Alabama today.

Breast Imaging

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Wellness & Prevention

An annual well-woman visit provides screening for gynecologic and breast conditions.

Wellness & Prevention







News & Events

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The Five Main Types of Gynecologic Cancers and How They’re Treated

When thinking about the main types of gynecologic cancers, the most important factor for women is to “know your normal.” Signs and symptoms can be different for each woman,





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