Many organizations have increased awareness about breast cancer in the last several decades. All this is good, but sometimes old wives tales or myths pop up and they are repeated and spread on the internet.
Could My Painful Periods Be Endometriosis?
Having pain during monthly menstrual cycles is nothing new or unusual for women. However, having significant pain which makes daily activities impossible is something entirely different.
Coping With Appetite Loss During Pregnancy
Many people picture a ravenous pregnant lady eating everything in sight. While this is the case for some, there are other women who find it hard to eat anything.
What To Expect When Changing Birth Control Methods
Every prescription medication we take has side effects, and some of those side effects can be unpleasant. The same goes for birth control.
Managing Allergies During Pregnancy
Morning sickness, back aches, and fatigue should be enough to deal with during pregnancy, but if you add in allergy symptoms,
Birmingham Obstetrics Gynecology, P.C. Mask Policy Update
The health and safety of our patients, visitors, employees, physicians, and communities remain a top priority at Birmingham OB/GYN. Therefore, in line with the latest guidelines issued by the State of Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH),
Fibroids And Pregnancy: What You Should Know
The first thing you should know is that you can have fibroids and still successfully become pregnant and carry a child.
In-Office Gynecologic Procedures: What To Expect
If you have ever had to undergo a gynecologic procedure, you most likely had to go to a separate facility. You were already anxious,
Hoover Satellite Office Coming Soon
New Satellite Office Coming This Summer! Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology is excited to announce that this summer we will be opening a new satellite office in Hoover,
What Medications Are Safe During Pregnancy?
When you are pregnant, whatever you put into your body can affect your growing child. So when you have a headache,