Breast Cancer Risk Testing: Is the BRCA Test Right for You?

You may have seen the term “BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 testing” being used on the internet in regard to breast cancer, but are you unsure about what it means? The simple explanation is this: BRCA1 and BRCA 2 are genes that help repair damaged DNA. Damaged DNA can lead to tumor growth. When either of these genes do not function properly, cells are more likely to develop genetic alterations that can lead to cancer.

It is possible to test for BRCA 1 & 2 mutations, but is it necessary for you? Having all of the information can help you make an informed decision.

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Are You at Risk for Osteoporosis?

Article Written by Ronald W. Orso, M.D., FACOG, FACS

Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle-so brittle that a fall or even mild stresses, such as bending over or coughing can cause a fracture.  As we age, both men and women lose bone strength, but an abnormal loss results in osteopenia and then osteoporosis.  Osteoporotic fractures usually involve the hip, wrist and spine. It affects women six times more often than men and is especially prevalent after menopause.  White and Asian women are at highest risk.  Fractures are responsible for considerable pain and disability and one in every five women over age 65 that fall and fracture a hip will die from the event within the next 12 months.  For those who don’t die from the fracture, many will fracture the other hip within the next 24 months and it is usually the beginning of a long downward spiral of decreasing health and mobility.  

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July is Fibroids Awareness Month

As common as uterine fibroids are, it’s obvious why a month is dedicated to it in an effort to help raise awareness, research, and funding. If you’re not familiar with the condition, you may be surprised to learn that by age 50, as many as 70% of white females and 80% of African American females have had fibroids. If you are familiar with it, you most likely know there are many powerful and successful treatment options available to conquer the condition.

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Five Health Questions To Ask On Mother’s Day

As a mom, you’re dedicated to knowing your child’s medical history to ensure they stay as healthy as possible. You probably even track what they eat, drink, and breathe, just to make sure you’re preventing every ailment you can. But, do you ever think about your own mother’s medical history and how it may affect both you and your children?

This Mother’s Day, take a step back and ask a few questions that can help gain valuable insight into your family’s health patterns for generations to come.

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Help Us Welcome Dr. Jared M. Roberts to Birmingham OBGYN!

Jared M. Roberts, M.D.Meet Jared M. Roberts, M.D.

Birmingham Obstetrics Gynecology, P.C. is pleased to welcome our newest physician, Jared M. Roberts, M.D. Dr. Roberts received his medical degree from UAB. He completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at UAB as well. Dr. Roberts is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and a member of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. For the last four (4) years Dr. Roberts, who is originally from Birmingham, Alabama, has been practicing in Norman, Oklahoma.  He is married and has three (3) children.

His interests include general obstetrics, office gynecology and gynecologic surgery, especially minimally invasive surgery.  He received robotic surgical training throughout his residency.  He looks forward to welcoming new obstetrics and gynecology patients. To schedule an appointment please call (205) 933-8334.

How Is Stress Affecting Your Health?

Nearly everyone will experience some type of stress in their lives. Stress can be caused by a variety of factors including, work, money, health, family and a laundry list of other items that are often unavoidable. You may know that long periods of stress and anxiety can leave you feeling tired and worn out, but did you know that it can have serious long-term effects on your health?

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Could My Infertility be Caused by Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a much more prevalent issue than many people might think. In fact, fewer than 1/3 of women know what endometriosis is, despite it affecting approximately one out of every ten women in the United States.

Endometriosis occurs when uterine tissue begins to grow outside of the uterus. Because this tissue responds to a woman’s menstrual cycle, symptoms can be confused with period pain. Since the tissue has no way of leaving the body, lesions, scar tissue and inflammation can occur. All of these symptoms could potentially lead to infertility.

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World Cancer Day 2017

Cancer is the leading cause of death around the world. Every year, approximately 12.7 million people are diagnosed with cancer and 7.6 million of them will die from the disease.

For World Cancer Day in 2017, individuals and organizations are adopting the “We can. I can” approach to cancer. This means that organizations and individuals will both do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer.

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Cervical Cancer Detection & Prevention

40 years ago, cervical cancer was the leading cause of cancer death in American women. Since then, the number of deaths has significantly decreased due to increased awareness of the symptoms and testing methods for this disease. Although the numbers have improved, approximately 12,000 women will be diagnosed and 4,120 will die from the disease this year.

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