How Do I Know if I Have Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are a much more common issue than you might think. According to the National Institutes of Health, one study found that between 80 and 90 percent of African American women and 70 percent of Caucasian women will develop fibroids before the age of 50.

Since uterine fibroids can cause severe symptoms and can even lead to trouble getting pregnant, it is important to know the warning signs of fibroid development. Continue reading “How Do I Know if I Have Uterine Fibroids?”

Flu Shots for 2016/17 – What has Changed?

It’s the beginning of flu season, and in order to avoid a high fever, severe aches and a nasty cough, a flu shot could help patients lessen their symptoms or avoid them all together. Since the flu virus is always evolving, scientists are making important changes to how the vaccine is made.

Continue reading “Flu Shots for 2016/17 – What has Changed?”

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

While ovarian cancer is only the ninth most common cancer in women, it is the leading cause of death for cancers of the female reproductive system.

The ovaries are responsible for releasing eggs during ovulation and producing female hormones. Over time, cancerous cells can develop on ovarian tissue.

Continue reading “Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month”

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering Getting Pregnant

I’m sure someone has told you “You’re never completely ready to have a baby.”

However there are some questions that you can answer ahead of time to ensure you’re as prepared as possible. Here are just a few questions to keep in mind while you plan your pregnancy: Continue reading “Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering Getting Pregnant”





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