What To Do After You Get A Positive Pregnancy Test

Surprise, you’re pregnant! If this truly is a surprise, stay calm, talk with your partner and consider all your options. The truth is no one can tell you exactly what to do after you get a positive pregnancy test. You might be thrilled to begin or increase your family, be upset because it’s a surprise and it’s not part of your plans, or you may have emotions somewhere in between. However you react, here are some guidelines.

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What You Should Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine and Mammograms

Could getting your COVID-19 vaccine affect the results of your mammogram? Maybe. A common side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine is swollen lymph nodes under the arm on the same side as the vaccine injection.

Here are a few things to know about lymph node swelling, the COVID-19 vaccine, and timing of your mammogram.

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Signs You May Be Suffering From Female Sexual Dysfunction

Many women have had instances where it felt like they “lost that loving feeling.” It usually passes, and next time sex is back to normal. This temporary problem can happen to anyone, but when it becomes consistent, this is one of the signs you may be suffering from female sexual dysfunction.

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COVID-19 Updates

Birmingham Obstetrics Gynecology, P.C. and COVID-19

The health and safety of our patients, visitors, employees, physicians, and our communities remain a top priority at Birmingham OB/Gyn. Therefore, in line with the latest guidelines issued by the State of Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), Jefferson County Department of Health and the City of Birmingham related to COVID-19, we have revised and continue to update our policies to make sure we are in compliance. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

For Patients and Visitors

  • For our obstetrical patients, we will allow the father or support person to attend the confirmation and anatomy ultrasounds, but the father or support person will not be allowed to attend the visit with the physician after the ultrasound.
  • Guests will be allowed for obstetrical patients with extenuating circumstances, such as a patient under 16 or specific patient needing extra support. For example, specific patients needing extra support include those with language barriers, intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, or other cognitive or physical impairments.
  • Children are not allowed in the office, except in special circumstances pre-approved by a physician or administrator.
  • Patients are sent pre-visit paperwork via email or text that also includes COVID-19 screening questions. Any patient who is designated as a “high-risk” for transmitting COVID-19 will be contacted and their visit will be re-scheduled.
  • Patients and guests must undergo temperature and symptom screening upon arrival, always perform hand hygiene and wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Please be especially attentive to wearing a mask over your nose and mouth, in addition to correctly wearing other personal protective equipment as directed by office staff.
  • Patients who are sick with respiratory symptoms will not be permitted to enter the office; this is without exception.
  • For non-obstetrical patients, guests will be allowed in extenuating circumstances, such as a patient under 16 or specific patient needing extra support. For example, specific patients needing extra support include those with language barriers, intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, or other cognitive or physical impairments.
  • If a patient or guest does not pass the screening process or does not follow office protocols, they will not be allowed in the office.
  • Limiting capacity in our waiting room. On the day of your appointment you will receive a text from our office asking you to respond when you arrive in the parking deck. This allows us to make sure all your required paperwork has been processed prior to you presenting in the office. A nurse will contact you when it is time for you to come in for your appointment.

What we are doing to protect you

  • In addition to the above items, all patients, guests, staff, and physicians are required to wear face coverings. PPE will be used and disposed of properly in higher-risk interactions.
  • We are following a strict process to sanitize our offices regularly. Each week our office is electrostatically fogged with an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved chemical for killing Coronavirus.
  • Hand sanitizer is available throughout the office.

New Vaccine Guidelines for Women who are Pregnant, Considering Becoming Pregnant, or Breastfeeding

Updated November 5, 2020. We will continue to reassess our visitor guidelines and update this document.

Here are a few additional resources as well:

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Lifestyle Changes To Make For A Healthy Pregnancy

Your dream of having a family if finally coming true. You are a smart and healthy woman, and know clearly what you should avoid during pregnancy like smoking, drinking, and illegal drugs. At the same time, now would be a good time to review some other lifestyle changes to make for a healthy pregnancy.

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A Guide To Flu Season During Pregnancy

The changes to a pregnant woman’s immune system, heart, or lungs make them more susceptible to severe illness from the flu. This statement should be the first tenet in a guide to flu season during pregnancy, and all pregnant women should get their flu shot as soon as possible. There are even more reasons, such as the following.

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When Should I See My Gynecologist About Pelvic Pain?

The simple answer to the question, “when should I see my gynecologist about pelvic pain?” is if the pelvic pain is new or different, see your gynecologist. Aside from typical cramps during your period, you shouldn’t be experiencing pain in your pelvic area. Any pain indicates something is awry in your body, so don’t ignore a pain in your reproductive area. Let’s find out why.

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Gynecological Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Your gynecologist has seen and heard it all. Some women, though, become embarrassed about discussing certain topics and avoid telling their doctor about symptoms and specific changes with their bodies. Get over it! This is the one person you can always trust to give you answers and provide the right treatment if there is an issue. So here are some gynecological symptoms you should never ignore.

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