12 Effective Tips for Managing Overactive Bladder

Do you find yourself locating the nearest bathroom when you are out with friends? Do you make it a habit to always use the bathroom before going anywhere? Are wearing leakproof panties now part of your daily attire? If so, you may be suffering from an overactive bladder. There is more you can do to manage this problem. Here are 12 effective tips for managing overactive bladder.

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When to Consider Birth Control After Giving Birth

When to consider birth control after giving birth? Many new parents begin to think about their future family shortly after giving birth to their latest child. They begin to make plans. Do they want more children and how soon? Some new parents don’t give it a thought and simply say, the more the merrier. During this postpartum time, new parents might be wise to think ahead.

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Understanding Menstrual Migraines: Causes and Symptoms

As if women don’t have enough pre-menstrual issues to deal with like bloating and irritability, now you are hit with menstrual migraines. All these unfortunate maladies are caused by those pesky female hormones. If you are a new victim or have been wondering about these especially painful headaches, keep reading. We will help with understanding menstrual migraines, including causes and symptoms.

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Understanding the Different Stages of Labor and Delivery

Labor and delivery are profound, life-changing experiences. As with most areas, knowledge is power, and understanding what to expect can provide comfort and confidence for expectant parents. 

Labor is generally divided into stages, each with distinct signs, durations, and expectations. Knowing these stages can help you prepare, make informed decisions, and effectively communicate with our OBGYNs at every stage of the process.

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Overactive Bladder (OAB) Management: Staying Active This Summer

Summer is the time for trips, outings, beaching, and lots of activities. That works for most of us, but if you suffer with OAB, you might find yourself resisting doing much of anything. There is always the fear of an embarrassing accident. What can you do? Overactive bladder management: staying active this summer. Continue reading “Overactive Bladder (OAB) Management: Staying Active This Summer”

Postpartum Care: Tips for Physical and Emotional Recovery

It’s what you have been waiting for. Maybe it’s been years waiting for this wonderful moment to give birth to your child. You are exhilarated, emotional, happy, but also tired. You’ve been through a monumental physical exercise, so your body might tell you to slow down. How can you do that? Let’s dive into our postpartum care tips for physical and emotional recovery. 

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