What You Should Know When it’s Time for Your First Gynecology Exam

If you’re scheduling your first gynecology visit and are curious what a gynecologist is, you aren’t alone.

Many women have questions when it comes to seeing a gynecologist and when they should schedule an appointment. Continue reading “What You Should Know When it’s Time for Your First Gynecology Exam”

Express Botox Clinics at Birmingham OBGYN

Botox PicsBirmingham Obstetrics Gynecology, P.C. will be hosting a Botox Clinic on Thursday, April 7th from 4:30 – 7:00 PM and on Tuesday, April 19th from 4:30-7:00 PM  in our office.  Bring a friend as these events are open to open to anyone! You don’t need to be an established patient of Birmingham OBGYN to attend.  Come by and meet Michele Christine, M.D. and learn more about the services we offer.  Pricing is $11.00/unit for Botox with other discounts and specials available.

We are requesting anyone interested to please RSVP as there are a limited number of slots remaining!  You may call (205) 933-8334 or email info@birminghamobgyn.com for an appointment.  We look forward to seeing you.

The Birmingham Obstetrics Gynecology, P.C. Aesthetic Team provides a variety of aesthetic services such as Botox, Juvederm, Latisse and products by Skin Medica.

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month!

Teal awareness ribbonCervical Cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer, yet over 12,000 women in the US are diagnosed with it each year.

Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections and is found in about 99% of cervical cancers. While almost 90% of HPV infections resolve on their own within 2 years, high-risk types of HPV may cause cervical cancer.

Regular PAP screenings and HPV tests can help to diagnose pre-cancerous cell changes early and possibly prevent cervical cancer. Continue reading “January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month!”

Belly Fat After Menopause – What’s the Cause?

Menopause written in search bar on virtual screenMenopause brings about many unpleasant changes such as loss of menstruation, hot flashes,irritability, depression — but does it increase your belly fat? There are different ways to control the symptoms of menopause. What do physicians suggest to control belly fat? Continue reading “Belly Fat After Menopause – What’s the Cause?”

Breast Cancer Prevention Tips

Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon BackgroundAccording to breastcancer.org, one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer over their lifetime.

While some factors that increase your chance of getting breast cancer are out of your control, such as age and family history, there are some things you can do to decrease your chance of developing invasive breast cancer: Continue reading “Breast Cancer Prevention Tips”





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