The Importance of Postpartum Check-ups

After you give birth to that beautiful baby of yours, everything seems to be about the baby. You understood that during pregnancy, your own health was paramount in order to have a strong healthy baby. However, now that your child is born, taking care of yourself remains a priority, like focusing on the importance of postpartum check-ups.

Continue reading “The Importance of Postpartum Check-ups”

Could My Painful Periods Be Endometriosis?

Having pain during monthly menstrual cycles is nothing new or unusual for women. However, having significant pain which makes daily activities impossible is something entirely different. If you are having more pain than usual, it might be time to find out what is going on. Could my painful periods be endometriosis?

Continue reading “Could My Painful Periods Be Endometriosis?”

What To Expect When Changing Birth Control Methods

Every prescription medication we take has side effects, and some of those side effects can be unpleasant. The same goes for birth control. If you find your current birth control pills are causing troublesome side effects, you can talk to Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology about changing methods. Here’s what to expect when changing birth control methods.

Continue reading “What To Expect When Changing Birth Control Methods”

Birmingham Obstetrics Gynecology, P.C. Mask Policy Update

The health and safety of our patients, visitors, employees, physicians, and communities remain a top priority at Birmingham OB/GYN. Therefore, in line with the latest guidelines issued by the State of Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), Jefferson County Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), St. Vincent’s Hospital, and the City of Birmingham related to COVID-19, we have revised and continue to update our policies to make sure we are in taking steps to reduce exposure and transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

For Patients and Visitors

  • For our obstetrical patients, we will allow the father or support person to attend the
    confirmation and anatomy ultrasounds and be allowed in the exam room after the ultrasound.
  • Children under 16 are not allowed in the office, except in special circumstances pre-approved
    by a physician or administrator.
  • Patients are sent pre-visit paperwork via email or text that also includes COVID-19 screening
    questions. Any patient who is designated as a “high-risk” for transmitting COVID-19 will be
    contacted and evaluated prior to their visit.
  • Patients who are sick with respiratory symptoms will not be permitted to enter the office; this is
    without exception.
  • For non-obstetrical patients, guests will be allowed in extenuating circumstances, such as a
    patient under 16 or a specific patient needing extra support. For example, specific patients
    needing extra support include those with language barriers, intellectual and/or developmental
    disabilities, or other cognitive or physical impairments.

Mask Policy

  • Masks are RECOMMENDED for patients and guests while in the office setting. Our providers
    recommend that you wear a mask based on your personal preference, informed by your
    personal level of risk.
  • Providers and employees of Birmingham OB/Gyn are required to wear masks when in direct
    contact with patients.
  • Birmingham OB/Gyn will continue to evaluate the community transmission levels in the counties
    we serve and institute mandatory mask requirements if the transmission level reaches HIGH in
    those counties.

Hoover Satellite Office Coming Soon

New Satellite Office Coming This Summer!

Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology is excited to announce that this summer we will be opening a new satellite office in Hoover, AL! Our Hoover satellite office will be open 5 days a week. Stay tuned for more information or give us a call at (205) 933-8334 with any questions!

Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology is proud to offer professional and courteous health care with a touch of personal and caring attention. Each of our gynecologists is highly trained, and board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology. We offer a full range of gynecologic and obstetrical care and procedures including gynecology services, obstetric services,  da Vinci Robotic-Assisted Surgery and cosmetic services.

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