It’s what you have been waiting for. Maybe it’s been years waiting for this wonderful moment to give birth to your child. You are exhilarated, emotional, happy, but also tired. You’ve been through a monumental physical exercise, so your body might tell you to slow down. How can you do that? Let’s dive into our postpartum care tips for physical and emotional recovery.
What IUD is best for me? There are multiple factors involved in deciding upon the best IUD. It Is always best to get a recommendation from a skilled gynecologist like our board-certified OBGYNsin Birmingham, AL. Keep reading to learn more.
The frustrating and sad effects of a couple who has been attempting to start a family is hard to describe. One moment they want to give up, and the next minute they cheer each other on to try again. Discovering the root cause of infertility is exhausting. Maybe it’s time to look at how your lifestyle could be impacting your fertility.
Up to 25% of pregnant women have some bleeding or spotting especially in the first trimester. Bleeding in early pregnancy doesn’t necessarily mean there is an issue, but it can indicate a miscarriage or some other complication. It certainly can be worrisome. How much bleeding in early pregnancy is normal?
What an exciting day when an expectant mother has her first ultrasound! It’s true, she is really having a baby, and so far it is healthy. Those first ultrasounds are usually 2D types where you can see a black, white, and gray picture of your little one. But what about a 3D or 4D ultrasound: which is best for you?
Regardless of the reason, having urinary incontinence is embarrassing and let’s face it, you feel like you have lost control of your body. It’s humiliating, but things don’t have to stay this way. Take advantage of all the positive treatments and lifestyle changes you can pursue. You can regain control. What is bladder training for urinary incontinence? Let’s start here.
One of the greatest joys for new parents is being able to see their baby through the miracle of an ultrasound. It was not invented until the late 50s, and today understanding the different types of pregnancy ultrasounds highlights how this technology has improved.
Understanding the risk factors of ovarian cancer is crucial for early detection and prevention.
Ovarian cancer is often called the silent killer because symptoms are difficult to detect in its early stages.
However certain factors increase the risk of developing this type of cancer. Factors such as age, family history, genetic mutation, hormone replacement therapy, and being overweight
By recognizing these risk factors women can take proactive steps such as regular checkups, genetic testing, maintaining a healthy weight, and discussing preventive measures with their doctor.
Remember knowledge is power when it comes to your health.
Schedule an Ovarian Cancer Screening Appointment in Birmingham, AL
If you are a chronic procrastinator, now is the time to change your habits. Having your hospital bag ready early is non-negotiable! If you are the type who is always early, completes tasks ahead of time, or is generally well organized—good for you—but you still need a hospital bag guide. Let’s go through items to pack for your hospital stay and delivery.
You have been dreaming about this time for nine months and maybe even years—the arrival of your long awaited baby. So why aren’t you elated? Why aren’t you thrilled when your little one recognizes you and smiles? Why aren’t you laughing with each little gurgle? You should be feeling all these happy emotions, and yet… all you feel is numb and sad. What’s wrong with me, you wonder. Here are eight signs you may have postpartum depression.