Baby Blues Or Postpartum Depression?

All the excitement of baby showers, preparing the nursery, and bringing your little one home is over. After all of your friends and relatives have left, it’s normal to have a bit of a “let down.” You may feel a little sad or moody when everything settles down into normalcy. It happens to lots of women, but is it just baby blues or postpartum depression? Continue reading “Baby Blues Or Postpartum Depression?”

Travel Warnings and Tips for Pregnant Women

If you decide to vacation, visit old friends, or must travel for work, pregnancy shouldn’t stop you from flying or driving to your destination. As long as you are having a normal pregnancy and you have gotten the OK from Birmingham Obstetrics & Gynecology, travel is generally approved and safe, but there are some caveats.

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Common Causes Of Female Infertility And How To Better Your Odds Against Them

If you have been trying to get pregnant but have been unsuccessful, you are not alone. Although comforting to know, the challenge comes in finding your reason for infertility, and there happens to be many possibilities. Once you become acquainted with the causes, you can learn how to better your odds against them.

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How To Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Deciding you’re ready to get pregnant is an exciting time in any relationship. But for many, the decision to get pregnant and initial conception are often the hardest parts of the whole process. In order to help get pregnant faster, your body must be readily prepared to support both you and the life of a growing fetus. 

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Tips for First-Time Mothers in Birmingham Alabama

First-time mothers often struggle throughout the pregnancy. They aren’t aware of the little tips that make pregnancy easier. Following these few simple pieces of advice can make your first pregnancy not only more enjoyable, but it can also make it cheaper!

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