Common Health Issues for New Mothers

New moms may think they are ready to tackle anything once they’re at home with their sweet baby. After all, they have been through nine months of ups and downs, difficult sleeping, and morning sickness. Now that they have given birth, it should be smooth sailing, right?

There are some common health issues for new mothers, so it’s best to be prepared both physically and emotionally to handle what may come next.

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Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering Getting Pregnant

I’m sure someone has told you “You’re never completely ready to have a baby.”

However there are some questions that you can answer ahead of time to ensure you’re as prepared as possible. Here are just a few questions to keep in mind while you plan your pregnancy: Continue reading “Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering Getting Pregnant”

Common Summer Pregnancy Skin Issues

pregnant woman sitting on beach near lakeIt’s always important to protect your skin from the sun, but did you know that your skin is even more susceptible to damage while pregnant?

Here are a few common skin issues that occur during pregnancy and tips on how to prevent them: Continue reading “Common Summer Pregnancy Skin Issues”

Tips on Flying While Pregnant

Travelling while pregnantTraveling can be a little stressful, and the stress is only intensified if you’re traveling while pregnant. Whether you’re traveling for a summer vacation or work, it’s important to keep your comfort and health in mind. Here are a few tips for traveling during pregnancy: Continue reading “Tips on Flying While Pregnant”

Pregnancy and the Flu

Pregnant woman illnessAccording to the CDC, this flu season has hit the United States harder than in recent years. Because pregnancy can increase the length of infection and can lead to more complications, such as pneumonia, it’s important to know how to prevent the flu during pregnancy.

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The Facts about Gestational Diabetes

Pregnant woman during medical visitAmerican Diabetes Month takes place every November. Gestational diabetes affects more than 18 percent of pregnant women throughout the country. Though in most cases the condition is only temporary, it’s important to stay informed about the risk factors and life changes that need to happen if you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

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Five Tips to Prepare for Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding TipsAugust is National Breast Feeding month, here are a few helpful tips that may make your decision on whether to breastfeed or use formula easier:

1. Attend a breastfeeding class

Taking a course on breastfeeding is important in order to know what to expect. In a class, you can learn about nursing positions for you and the baby. You can also find out how to tell if your baby is getting enough milk.

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Natural Pregnancy Heartburn Remedies

Getting rid of pregnancy Heartburn

Pregnancy not only comes with excitement, it also comes with some negative side effects, such as heartburn. Even if you never had heartburn before pregnancy, certain foods can trigger pregnancy heartburn. The good news – there are a few natural remedies that can help.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is a natural acid neutralizer. Instead of taking over the counter medicine, try drinking coconut water for immediate and easy pregnancy heartburn relief.

Raw Almonds

Almonds offer many health benefits during pregnancy, including protein and calcium. In addition, almonds neutralize stomach acid, reducing symptoms of heartburn.

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Best Foods To Eat During Pregnancy

Best Foods for Pregnant Woman

Eating for two can be stressful. It’s important to know what foods give you the most nutrients so your baby can grow at a healthy rate. Pick and choose some of these foods for a nutritional boost during pregnancy.


Eggs contain more than 12 vitamins and minerals in addition to a lot of healthy protein. Aside from health benefits, eggs are cheap and convenient. If you don’t feel like cooking a full meal, scrambled eggs, steam basted eggs and hard boiled eggs are a great option.

Greek Yogurt

All yogurt contains a decent amount of protein, but Greek yogurt usually has twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt. During pregnancy, if you don’t take in enough calcium, the amount of calcium you do take in will go to your baby, reducing the calcium in your bones and teeth.

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