What are the Advantages of Having a 3D 4D Ultrasound Over a Standard 2D Procedure?

You already know the advantages of a 3D or 4D ultrasound for you as the mother. You get to see your baby’s little face and see all those adorable features well before your child is born. This brings a greater sense of connection between you and your unborn child. You will be able to say “she looks just like me” well before she is even born. However, what you may not know is that there are also medical advantages to the advanced methods of ultrasound. Your doctor will be able to use the detailed data to find out much more about the baby.

Below, you will find out more about the advantages to this type of ultrasound.

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What to Expect For Your First Annual Gynecological Exam

Going to the gynecologist isn’t something women eagerly anticipate. The anxiety and discomfort women feel is increased when it’s their first annual exam. There are a few things to keep in mind before having your first annual exam.

What should I prepare for my exam?

The most important thing to do before your first gynecological exam is research. Women should be prepared to discuss their family medical history and be ready for questions about their menstrual cycle. Some of the most commonly asked questions your provider may ask include:

When was your last period?
How long does your period typically last?
What age did you start your period?
Are you sexually active?

Continue reading “What to Expect For Your First Annual Gynecological Exam”

Office Closed

Our Office is currently closed due to travel conditions. Our answering service is receiving numerous calls and you may receive a busy signal. If you are not having an emergency, please call Friday when the office will reopen. We will be in touch with all patients that had appointments scheduled during this closing. We apologize for any inconvenience.





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